MakerKing 0.13.10 is out!

Version 0.13.10

New Features :

  • Added the Level Menu, a menu to show information of the currently played level, accessible from the top left in a level
  • Added the Player List Menu, a menu to show the list of players online in the current level, accessible from the top left in a level
  • Inactive players are now shown with a sleeping animation

Improvements :

  • When opening a level, a screen now introduces the name and author of the level for a second before being playable
  • The top GUI now can be hidden automatically when playing to reduce distraction
  • Improved animation when sleeping in bed

Bug fixes :

  • Fixed playtesting corrupting the level’s neighbor cache
  • Fixed entity pressing onto sideways switch not maintaining contact on every frame
  • Fixed error when trying to create a new level after already creating a first one and making some changes
  • Fixed play testing failing to go back to editor when playing offline
  • Fixed the adding of level tags not updating the UI until save or reload
  • Fixed pausing when sleeping not pausing the fade to black visual effect on the screen
  • Fixed game progressing by 1 frame each time the window is focused or unfocused while paused
  • Fixed network error while downloading replay causing the cancellation of the download with a “replay not found” error
  • Fixed “Empty” text in level browser not changing language when changing the language of the game

Files 473 MB
65 days ago
MakerKing-0.13.10-Linux.tar.gz 468 MB
65 days ago 517 MB
65 days ago
MakerKing-0.13.10-All.jar 480 MB
65 days ago

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